Tuesday, January 24, 2006

What's Up?

How is everyone out there? I am having a nervous breakdown mostly because of my job and need to be medicated, but besides that, everything's peachy. Isn't it funny how you can become so complacent that you ignore how bad things are. I have been at this crappy job for 13 years and for the past 5 or 6 it's been getting increasingly worse. But it pays the bills and feeds my family so I fought it out. But now I found out that they are trying to get rid of me because according to them I get paid to much money and don't have a college degree. So now I have to get up every day knowing that they are going to mess with me and do whatever it takes to get me to quit because they don't want to pay unemployment if they fire me. So they are giving me so much work, it's impossible for me to finish and in turn they are writting me up. Gotta love Unions. Well that's my sob story and I'm just waiting around to get fired because I'm not going quit, but its killing me slowly. Any gripes of your own?

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

My only gripe is that I have a husband who's killing himself. Understandably he does it for his family. Grateful as I am...there has to be another way.